Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I'm Losing It.....Losing It All for Christ!

Over the past year or so, I have found myself referring to myself as crazy. Typically that's nothing new, but now there was a different meaning to it. I wasn't afraid to be called crazy. I was going out of my way to be called crazy.


Here is my explanation:
Society has deemed what is normal. I am 25. This is the time to start building a career or continue towards obtaining higher education, begin a family of my own, have a stable job, have my own place or save for one, and so on. But....over the past 3 years, I have lived in 3 radically different places. I have had at least 3 different 'somewhat stable' jobs. I have attended 3 different Bible colleges. I've been to over 8 different churches as a regular attender. From all points of view, this seems a little unstable. Most people would say that I can't commit or that I am flaky.

Isn't faith about believing what one cannot see? I myself haven't been unstable. I just had one commitment that was more important than all the things by which society measures stability. I had my eyes on the One who hasn't left my side and continues to lead me each day on a path towards my calling. All the steps I've taken have brought me just a bit closer to where God wants me to be. They have helped mold and shape me into the woman of God that I am today. I still have a long journey ahead of me. I still have faults and flaws that I am working on with God to change in my life. God is the author of my story! He wrote the beginning. Together, we will complete this work, which He has begun in me.

A couple days ago, I told someone, "I would rather be remembered as being crazy than being stable, because that means that I am continuing to follow Jesus." Then this past Sunday, the Pastor had an amazing sermon about the 'crazy' people who were just following God's plan for their lives.

Noah: He was building a huge ark. On land. Not only for his family, but 2 of every animal. These animals came on their own (called by God) to Noah.
Abraham: He was asked to sacrifice his son. Thankfully, there weren't any witnesses. Otherwise, who knows how this story would have gone, especially if Sarah had found out.
Moses: The Egyptian army was chasing them. They had nowhere to go. He walked up to the Red Sea and held his staff over it. If you recall, he was actually considered crazy just for asking the Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
Joshua: Marched around the walls of Jericho (a big city). 7 days. On the 7th day, 7 times. Signing praises to God.

In each case, God did wonderful and miraculous things. He blessed His people for following Him.

Noah: His family was delivered from a terrible fate.
Abraham: He was promised to have as many sons as there are stars in the sky.
Moses: Delivered God's people out of slavery.
Joshua: The city walls fell, and Jericho was won back to the Israelites.

I'm not nearly as crazy as these believers, but these testimonies dare me to only get crazier for God!